Below is the daily schedule for the Witch Institute. Click on individual events for tickets and more information. All events are free but require reservations. All times are in Eastern Standard Time.
Queen’s is committed to an inclusive campus community with accessible goods, services, and facilities that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. Witch Institute events will be available in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports upon request. Please contact the organizers at
Ongoing and Publications
Friday July 30th (Pre-symposium)
Sunday August 1st (pre-symposium)
7pm-8pm - WORKSHOP: A Lammas Celebration
Saturday August 14th (pre-symposium)
Afternoon/ evening - PERFORMANCE: This Circle is a Mercle (highlights streamed live on social media)
Afternoon/ evening - PERFORMANCE: #FYR3_W04D 2021 (highlights streamed live on social media)
9:30am-11am - ROUNDTABLE: Black and Indigenous Witchcraft as Decolonial Praxis
2pm-3:30pm - ROUNDTABLE: The “Witch” in Relationality with the More-than-Human: Mutually Shaping Experiences
4pm-5pm - WORKSHOP: Spellbound (Expanded): Rosemary In Allyship with Afro-Diasporic Communities
4pm-5pm - WORKSHOP: Re-Enacting Han
7pm-9pm - SCREENING: Spellbound (Expanded)
Tuesday August 17th
9:30am-11am – ROUNDTABLE: Queer Witcheries: Sex Magicks and Networked Hexes
11:30am-1pm – ROUNDTABLE: Media Representations of Magic, Witchcraft, and Mythology: Through the Lens of Asian/ Asian Diasporic Identities
2pm-3:30pm - ROUNDTABLE: Early Modern Covens and Contemporary Representations of the Witch
4pm-5pm - SPEAKER: Post-Colonial Spiritwork, or Where No Being Has Gone Before: Talk by Chiron Armand
4pm-5pm - WORKSHOP: The Algorithm of Spells, Incantations & Bad Magic
7pm-8pm - SPEAKER: Rachel True in Conversation with Dani Bethea
9:30am-11am – ROUNDTABLE: Film Representation: Generations and genealogies
11:30am-1pm - ROUNDTABLE: Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies Graduate Student Panel
2pm-3:30pm - ROUNDTABLE: Remembering Witchcraft and Witch Hunts: Archives, Museums, and History
4pm-5pm - WORKSHOP: Brooms Behind Bars: witches practicing + resisting in Canadian prisons
4pm-5pm - SPEAKER: The Witch and Speculative Worlds: modes of opposition to the normative figure of the white Western cis hetero woman as witch
7pm-9pm - SPEAKER: State Violence and Witch-hunting in the Colonization and Globalization Process: A lecture by Silvia Federici
Thursday August 19th
9:30am-11am – DISCUSSION: The Witch Beyond Essentialism: A Reflection Circle
11:30am-1pm -ROUNDTABLE: Arising from the Underground: Ciphers, Spirits, and Prophecies
2pm-3:30pm - ROUNDTABLE: Decolonial Praxis in Personal Spiritual Practice
4pm-5pm -WORKSHOP: Navigating "Lost" Lineages: Power Loss, Ancestral Gifts, and Reclamation through Trance
4pm-5pm-WORKSHOP: Witch Centred Art and Design: An Introduction to the International Museum of Mystical Arts
7pm-10pm - SCREENING: The Love Witch + Q&A with director, Anna Biller
Friday August 20th
9:30am-11am – ROUNDTABLE: Media, Activism and Politics
9:30am-11am - SCREENING: the names have changed, including my own and truths have been altered
11:30am-1pm - ROUNDTABLE: Esotericism and Art
2pm-3:30pm - ROUNDTABLE: Witchcare
4pm-5pm - WORKSHOP: Vibratory Models of Care
Saturday August 21st
9:30am-11am – ROUNDTABLE: Representing Witches in the Speculative Turn: Decolonial and Feminist Readings of SF
2pm-3:30pm - ROUNDTABLE: The Witch, Labour, and Capital
4pm-5pm - WORKSHOP: Magick: tools of dismantling, resisting, and thriving
4pm-5pm - WORKSHOP: Witches' Cabaret - Creating Community and Change through Live and Streaming Performance
7pm-9pm - PERFORMANCE: A Gesture, a Reading: Finding Touch in Occult Practices and Performance Art
Sunday August 22nd
9:30am-11am – ROUNDTABLE: The “Witch” in Relationality with the More-than-Human: On Plants and Water
2pm-3:30pm - ROUNDTABLE: Entanglements of Magical Practice, Technological Apparatus, and the Body
4pm-5pm - WORKSHOP: Design Workshop for the Socioeconomic Membrane that Enfolds her Casserole Dish
4pm-5pm - WORKSHOP: Weaving Hypersigils: Hacking the Source Code of Reality
7pm-8pm - PERFORMANCE: The Powers Oracle: Consult the Fates