Episode 1: The Craft: Legacy

Off-the-clock professors and co-organizers of the Witch Institute Tamara de Szegheo Lang and Dan Vena duke it out over the feminist pleasures and representational pitfalls of contentious titles and guilty pleasures. In this six-episode series, the two hosts dig deep into the archive of beloved, forgotten and altogether ridiculous witch-related movies in celebration of the upcoming Witch Institute, hosted online in August 2021. Gather your coven, cue up the selected film and get ready to (performatively) RUMBLE!!

Episodes originally aired on CFRC 101.9 FM www.cfrc.ca/

Dan and Tama take on The Craft: Legacy (2020). Can this movie go the distance for feminism, or will it get KO'd in the first round?

Show Notes:

Need help finding Easter eggs? https://www.wmagazine.com/story/the-craft-legacy-trailer-reboot/amp

On witch-authenticity https://www.teenvogue.com/story/the-craft-legacy-review

Interview with Pat Devin, the Wiccan consultant for The Craft (1996) http://wychwoodacastlebetweentheworlds.com/interviewWithPatDevin.htm

Interview with Avery Plewes, costume designer for The Craft: Legacy (2020) https://www.dazeddigital.com/fashion/article/50942/1/the-craft-legacy-watch-movie-witches-occult-gen-z-costumes-avery-plewes

Jason Blum called out https://www.indiewire.com/2018/10/jason-blum-female-horror-directors-blumhouse-trying-1202012834/

Svetlana Boym on "Nostalgia" http://monumenttotransformation.org/atlas-of-transformation/html/n/nostalgia/nostalgia-svetlana-boym.htm

Rosalind Gill on "Post-postfeminism" http://pages.wustl.edu/files/pages/imce/writing1/post_post-feminism_gill_roxane_gay_pairing.pdf

Barbara Creed on "the Monstrous-Feminine" https://www.google.ca/books/edition/The_Monstrous_feminine/90lCwCcQaTYC?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover

Caél Keegan on "Bad Objects" http://www.flowjournal.org/2019/11/in-praise-of-the-bad/

Four young girls sitting at desks in a school, still from the Craft Legacy
The Craft: Legacy